
October 22, 2010

Sew Scraps Project

Sew Scraps Along


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  2. HI Jill..you are trying to win today at sewwequilt a baby go..you are a no reply blogger here is what you can do and you have to be a follower...All comments made on this BLOG and my other at Sew WE Quilt are automatically sent into my inbox, ( which is why you get replies from me) if you don't hear from me, I am not ignoring you, I just can't reach you).If you have the correct settings in your Blogger profile, your email address comes with it, allowing me to reply directly to you via email. If your settings aren't correct, you are a no-reply blogger, and I have no way of contacting you.
    In blogger.com, click on Dashboard.
    Select Edit Profile.
    Check the box for "Show my Email Address."
    Save changes.

    That is all you do...This will take minutes, which means to YOU.
    YOU could be winning prizes here and on my other blog YOU didn't -but you could have!
